Day 61

So, still nothing going on here. How exciting is that? And, as of a few moments ago, we did not have internet. I find that I have been able to survive without many of the luxuries, and indulgences we were used to, but to be without the internet, that is asking too much.

As I type this I am unsure if it is still functioning, or not. I hope it is. If not, I may have to go do some work. I know the stove works, and the fridge, so maybe I will make something for brunch. I am hungry. Plus, I need to re-feed my kombucha today, and that will take most of the day.

I hope all of you are safe, even if boredom is upon you, as it is with us. We may have to start watching GOT’s again.

Wash your hands, cover your mouth and nose, or just stay home. But, be safe, stay smart. Do not let this virus get the better of us.

Post script: one needs to pay ones internet bill in order for one to actually have internet. This is what happens when one is incarcerated for so long. Well, it is saving me from actually having to work anymore today. Win, win.