Day 56

Happy forty fourth anniversary to my friend, my husband, my love.

Even HE thought he was going to marry someone else. Little did he know that, until he met me, his life was miserable, lackluster, and boring.

When it was time to go to our Junior year Homecoming dance, he had already asked another girl, “Candy” to go. But, as I was walking close to the center of the main hallway, called the “M”, he yelled across the hallway, “hey, Diana, do you want to go to the dance with me?” All the while he thought I would say no. To his surprise I said yes.

Wow. What was he going to do now? He had already asked the other girl, never believing for a moment I would accept. Hah! I got him!

We went to the dance, and, as they say, “the rest is history”.

That was a long time ago, in a land far, far away. But we have been working at this romance for all of these years, with lots of ups, and downs, good times and bad. But we have come through to this time in our lives where we are happy, content, but still able to explore, and share what we like, what we want, and what we can do to please each other.

It has always been, and will always be a give and take relationship. Compromise is the key. We do not take, take, take. No one is happy doing that. We give as well as take. Actually, we both give more than we take. It makes the taking that much sweeter.

Wash your hands, cover your mouths, stay happy, stay safe, stay healthy.