Day 54

We got quite a little bit done today. Not the towel bars, or the knife racks, but I made my second two gallon jug of Kombucha, plus, we set up our printer/scanner. That was a lot more work then I anticipated, let me tell you.

Setting up the printer was easy peasy. The scanner, however, was not so easy. Well, not until my sister in law, you know her as Mayra, told me about the HP Smart app!!! It saved me tons of time setting up things. She was able to scan some important documents to my email, I printed them, filled in the information that was necessary, and, with her help with the app, I was able to, using my phone, scan them back to her email!!! The twenty first century is amazing, is it not??

We got out for a little while, and went to our favorite store, Costco. Stocked up on tequila, since the president keeps changing the laws regarding its sale, we decided to go big. The last ban has been in place since the beginning of May, and was supposed to go through mid-June. Today, however, we were able to stock up, so we did. Better safe, than sorry. Right? How can anyone go through this incarceration without alcohol. Do not know what that man was thinking.

Anyway, the towel bars will be tomorrow, supposedly. Plus, I have just received another shipment of bottles for my Kombucha, so that will be tomorrow, as well. We stopped and got some fresh fruit from the green grocer, and I will use that, pureed, to put in the bottles for the second fermentation. Yay!

Wash your hands, cover your mouths, stay home, stay safe.