Day 53

We are actually contemplating putting up the two towel bars in the two main bathrooms, and the knife racks in the kitchen. Oh, and, there is setting up the copier, as well. I am not sure if we are going to attempt all of those things today, or pace ourselves. We have been so busy I have not had time to post anything.

Ha ha ha ha ha. That was funny. It is boring as Hell here, as I can only imagine it must be for some of you, as well. I have voted that we do one thing each day, spread things out a bit. We certainly do not want to do all of that in one day. What will we have to do the rest of the week? We cannot put anything else away until our cupboards, cabinets, and shelves arrive, and that will not be until the end of June, by the sound of it.

Two people contracted CoVid19 in the small plaza where we do some shopping, so we are unwilling to go there for awhile. An ambulance came by day before yesterday, taking someone in the condo next to us, to the hospital. We have no idea why, but it brings everything a little closer to home.

Speaking of home, one of Ivan’s siblings, back in Iowa, my favorite, has also contracted the virus, but, as of yesterday, she is three days post fever and chills, with no respiratory distress, at present. Hoping that she only gets better from here. Love you girlie girl.

So, you see folks, the virus is still going strong, therefore, we need to remain vigilant at all times. Though it is difficult for us to leave the condo, we do so only when absolutely necessary.

Recently, there has been a restriction put in place, that, due to our age, we cannot go into many of the stores down here except between the hours of 7am-9am, and only one family member at a time. Really? Who in the heck gets up at that time of day anymore? We certainly do not, that is a fact.

Well, wash your hands, stay home, learn how to cook something new, and different. Try baking your own bread. We are back to brewing kombucha, but our sourdough just does not do well at this altitude, for some reason. I have ordered a culture from here in Mexico City, and, hopefully, that will survive. I will let you know how that goes.

Best wishes to all of you. Stay safe, stay happy, stay healthy.