Day 50

I am sorry that I have not been journaling out quarantine as I should have been. I have gotten bored, lazy, and drunk.

Today, however, I have gotten so much done, I cannot believe it myself.

Last week we bought a pork leg, about twenty kilos of meat, that I cooked in my usual fashion, in the Instant Pot, (onions and beer), but had not “put up” in the freezer, vacuum sealed.

Well, today, I put up six bags of pork, one of chicken broth, one of Mexican fried rice, two of frozen scallops, five milanesas, cooked, and three uncooked thin cut sirloins. (Needless to say, we need to start eating some of this stuff, because our freezer is full.)

Tonight, for dinner, we had steamed mixed vegetables (peas, carrots, and corn), raviolis, with cheese and spinach, plus, pan seared scallops. Mi amor said it was one of the best meals we have had in our quarantine experience! Yay!

Have I been watching Hell’s Kitchen? Hell yes!!! I am up to season twelve, episode five. I can cook better scallops than any of those contestants, and I have never cooked a scallop in my life. Are they to Chef Ramsay’s standards? I have no idea. Were they good? Heck yes, they were great. (I have more in the freezer, and Costco has more in their freezers).

We got some disturbing news yesterday: my sister in law, Mayra, my favorite, has contracted CoVid19. She tells me she has only fever, and teeth crunching chills. She has not seen her children, or grandchildren is several weeks, but, at this post, does not need a ventilator, or any other means of breathing apperatice. She has been such a help to us, down here, that we hope you will all say a prayer for her, and her family.

If any of you have someone that is CoVid19 positive, and want a prayer for them, please let me know, will you? As there are a few people that read this post, we will, indeed, pray for those who need it.

I would ask that you, also, keep my brother, Eric, in your prayers, as he is traveling to Abu Dhabi, with other Mayo Clinic professionals, to assist in the CoVid19 virus there. He will be there for six months, returning to his home in Arizona for one week, every three weeks. Gracias, mi hermano!

Now, back to Chef Ramsay, and those dumb season twelve contestants!!!