Day 364

I cut my hair. It feels great. Anyone that knows me, knows that there is absolutely nothing I can do with my hair. It is too …… thin, too sparse, too thin. Now, no more hair, floating around the house, the kitchen, the car, even; getting into things it should not be getting into. Yay for me.

I absolutely love the simplicity!!

Well, here I am, shorn to my desired length, almost. It is about a centimeter long; not quite. Longer than I will have in the future, once it “thickens up”. It has to thicken. If not, I just might shave my head, like Ivan.

We are spending this Easter weekend with Jesús, Lizbeth, Gaby, and “the family”, in Los Altos. It was amusing, the looks I received, when we got here. Not only did I not have any hair, but I actually had on makeup. This haircut really works best, for me, when I wear makeup.

Wrapped in my shawl because it is freezing cold here.

Of course, no different than any of the other times we have come here, I have packed, for the most part, all the wrong clothes. As I am always so warm in the “city”, here, it is about twenty degrees colder; I do not care which system you use.

We got here about eight thirty, Holy Thursday, and had a few hours of talk, drink, coffee, etc.. When we went to bed, finally, about one thirty in the morning, neither of us could sleep! First, it is about forty degrees Fahrenheit, with no heat. (You change, from warm clothes, into freezing cold pj’s, just once, and you will see what I mean). The bed was equally cold, however, Lizbeth always makes sure we have plenty of blankets with which to cover ourselves. God love her! Second, it is so quiet, that takes some getting used to.

Here we are, though, Good Friday; relaxing after a wonderful breakfast of scrambled eggs in a red sauce; a fava bean croquette in a spicy mole sauce, if you will; black beans, and, best of all, coffee. Hot, unending coffee. Warmed the chilled bones, I am here to witness.

I must tell you, also, that it is so nice, talking with everyone, getting up in the morning, drinking a cuppa coffee, eating whatever is being served for breakfast, without being nauseous, or, having hands that shake, being thick headed, from too much tequila the lifetime before. Take it from me; do not try this at home. I have, so you do not have to.

I almost forgot; one of the ewes had a baby sheep, though, I am fairly sure a baby sheep is a lamb. Research ensues.

Research concluded: Results are thus- a female sheep, called a ewe, has a baby which is called a lamb. Goats, on the other hand, have kids. Moving on. As soon as I am able to upload a photo of her, I will. She is just as cute as can be. She will not be dinner this year.

As we wait to see what is for dinner, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.