Day 365

We are on our way back to the city. Time goes on so quickly when it is amongst people who love you, and, with whom you love.

We always have such a wonderful time in Los Altos, with Jesús and Liz’ families. They understand how much we appreciate what J & L do for us, but also understand what we are able to do for them.

Jesús’s mom, Maria, feeds at least four adults, and several children, every day; taking whatever is in season, and in the pantry, and making unbelievable meals. With all of us, she needs to double that. Children are abundant, here, as well. Grandchildren, that is, as well as her sons, and daughters in law.

The boys have different portions of their parents home that they are building for their future. Juan, and his wife, have the right side of the house, while Jesús and Liz have the left side. Both sides include all three available floors. Liz’s dad is a builder, therefore, helping everyone with their building. It is exciting, watching their homes developing over each of our visits.

We stopped, on this trip home, in a city called El Carmen Tequexquitla, though, it is simply referred to as Carmen, and bought several pieces of terra cotta; five cooking vessels, and serving dishes, two salseras, and six mugs; all for thirty five dollars. I was given a terra cotta mug, without a handle, that I am using in my “office”.

Those prices are in dollars, not pesos. We could not believe how inexpensive all of the things we bought were. If they break, they will be easily replaced. Here is what we bought with our money.

I put my jar of flour, a half gallon, for perspective. The jug, with the pencils, and pens in it, is the one that was free. The rest that you see, cost us thirty five dollars!!!

While we are on our way home, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.