Day 362

I started riding my bike today; finally. I rode it over to our cousin’s house, delivering a half loaf, each, of the last two loaves of bread I made.

I am so glad I did not have to watch myself ride away; it had to be comical. It felt comical; like I had not ridden a bike in years. Oh, that is right; I have not ridden a bike for almost three years. It was perfectly obvious to whomever had been watching.

I decided, when I got home, that I will try to ride at least thirty minutes every day; earlier in the day, though. By one in the afternoon, it is getting up in the upper seventies. That does not interest me.

I discovered how to pick up the bike, carrying it down the steps without falling down them. It is smaller than most, as it is foldable, and does not weigh all that much either. When I pick it up, I have to grab it at the base of the frame, in front of the pedals, resting the horn of the seat on my right shoulder. After that, it is balanced well enough that I can move around, using only one hand to carry it. Good to know. Right?

Tomorrow, I am scheduled to repot some of the bigger plants. I bought a few larger pots on line, and want to get these plants into some good looking homes as soon as possible. I have a bit of trepidation, but, as they say, in for a penny, in for a pound.

So far, they are all surviving, in spite of me. I did quite a bit of research before buying them, then, again, after they had been delivered. Now, I feel it is best just keeping an eye on them. I can tell when they need watering, when the leaves need to be wiped off, and when they need more, or less,, light. “I don’t need no stinking research!”

In this apartment, we have plenty of light; hence the jungle. I felt that, since we are not to go outside all that much, I would bring the outside inside. That is just what I have done. Now if we could just get rid of all of the totes, we would have a real living room.

In the meantime, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.