Day 361

I slept so very little last night, that I laid down for a “nap” this afternoon.

I do not know why I bother; I never actually sleep. My mother used to say, when she would tell me it was time for a nap, and I did not want to nap, that if I would lay down, it was only to rest my eyes, not sleep. Back then, I was asleep in minutes; now, I just rest my eyes. Bummer.

Today, however, while I was laying there, I noticed the very slightest of breezes coming in through the window. I could just feel it, lightly, caressing my skin while I was trying to relax.

It was wonderful, however. To have the time to lay back, relax, and enjoy some peace and quiet is something I have longed for; and now, I have it. Yay for me.

In the last few days, I have baked several loaves of bread, and made a dozen bottles of Kombucha. I made two loaves of artisanal style bread, one loaf of sandwich bread, and one loaf of banana bread.

Theses two loaves were made with AP flour only, but baked ten minutes longer for the loaf on the right.
This is the second loaf for the Garcia’s. I changed the recipe, just a bit, by adding a quarter cup of plain yogurt, decreasing the milk by the same amount. I think it will make for a more moist loaf.
Banana bread. The best loaf I have ever made. I mixed we were thing a hand mixer instead of by hand; it has a bit more height, I think.
The most recent batch of booch. Far right has pineapple; middle is blueberry; closest is blackberry. All of them have ginger, and turmeric.

The Kombucha was made using three different fruits, but all have ginger and turmeric. There are four bottles each of pineapple, blue berries, and blackberries. I am so thirsty for some right now, but have none, I want to shout. Not very good timing on my part, I can tell you. I will have to figure out a better schedule so I do not run out again.

Now that the really warm weather is coming upon us, I think that if I make a new batch every two weeks, that should be about right for supply and demand. After they are bottled, remember, they need to sit out on the counter for at least a week, to develop the carbonation. Once they are in the fridge, the carbonation slows down to a fizzle. Timing is everything.

But you know what happens now; we wait. And, while we wait, what do we do? We stay happy, we stay healthy, and, we stay safe. We remember to wash our hands, cover our mouth, and protect our loved ones, the best way we can.