Day 360

We are getting our Mercedes inspected this morning, two months late.

How fun, though, to drive through the city at nine thirty in the morning, seeing people opening their small kiosks, getting ready for the day’s sales. We both think it looks like a border town, this area. It reminds us of walking around the streets of Nuevo Laredo.

We drive to the East side of town only for our car inspections. It is not the best part of town, but it is nothing dangerous, that I can see. Simply, there is nothing there we need.

Of course, we do not have everything they want to complete the inspection; that simply does not happen. We have another fine to pay; for whatever reason is beyond us. Nevertheless, to the bank we go.

Evidently the inspection is every six months, even under quarantine. Who knew? We can look it up on the government’s website, but it is very difficult to navigate. Not just because of the Spanish, but all of the departments are there, and what they do, etc., except the one that tells us how much we owe.

Once we found that department, and downloaded the information about the vehicle, it gave us a link to print out the form to pay at the bank. After that, we go back to the inspection place, and see what happens.

I have to wait outside the inspection center, on the sidewalk, as they only allow one person inside per vehicle. I am afraid that, standing out here, alone, being as lovely, and voluptuous as I am, someone might steal me for the sex trade. Hahaha. 😂😂😂 Sorry. I could not help myself. (It was funny.)

CoVid. I am sick of your constraints.

While we wait to see what happens next, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I am done five point two kilos. Finally. And, have not been sold into the sex trade.