Day 359

Have you ever cooked with a Middle Eastern spice called Turmeric? It is used, not only to flavor a dish, but to change the color to yellow, or orange, depending on the amount used. Here is it called cúrcuma, (COOR coo ma).

This is what Turmeric looks like before it is dried, and ground into the powdered form most often used in cooking. I know, they look like cocoons, but, really, they are small knobs of the spice.

The white mesh that you see is a reusable produce bag that we use to put our produce in at the store. We try not to get many plastic bags, if we can help it. We have about a dozen, or more, of the mesh bags. They come in different sizes; small to large.

I wash them, then cut them up to be put in the Kombucha. They give the drink flavor, color, and nutrition. I use them with fresh ginger, and pineapple; they combine to make the most carbonated drink yet. It foams like a beer, poorly poured. (It has been so long since I typed the word “poured”, I had to look it up 😉

Here are a few herbs, you may, or may not know by sight. Let us see how many you can identify. The answers will be at the end of the post. So, the next time you use the dried form of any of these herbs, you can see what they looked like in their natural form. (I cannot make the answers go upside down, but that would be fun.)

Since it will take a few minutes to upload the photos of some different herbs, I want to show you a photo of the hearse, in the form of a converted Mustang. Shield the photo, from the swath of the funeral logo, and you will see that it truly was a Mustang. I chuckle every time we drive by it. (I just realized that I have been typing the word ‘past’, when it should have been ‘passed’. What a dufous.) Anyway, here is the hearse.

It was the best I could do in a moving vehicle. I had to take the photo turning back, over my shoulder.

I am done waiting for the photos to upload, and you are too, I suspect. So, continue to stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Answers to which herbs are which? L-R. Basil, Oregano, and Thyme. Bay laurel, Chives, and Thyme.