Day 358

Everything is in bloom, and it is gorgeous. Let me show you, if I can.

Outside one of our favorite restaurants, Toks. This is not the one we frequent, but you get the idea.
The entire street is lined, both sides, with the Jacarandas.
Gorgeous, are they not?

There is another tree, one that I thought was the Poinsettia, but, in reality, is a Bottle Brush. They are blooming as well. I do not have a photo of them yet, maybe another time. They have long leafless branches with a red flower on the very end. Each looks like a “bottle brush”.

Caution! Subject change!

I have been in such excruciating pain, about a twelve on a scale of one to ten; especially at night, for the last three weeks, that has awakened me every night, leaving me unable to go back to sleep for hours. Do you remember that area of hardness I developed, by the ring finger of my left hand, that I thought was arthritis? It is almost completely gone. Right at the moment it is about a three, or four.

I have no idea why; the only thing I can attribute it to is that I am no longer drinking hard alcohol, though I do have an occasional glass of white wine, or a beer. I am also drinking at least one, if not two, sixteen ounce bottles of Kombucha everyday. I think the probiotics, and general goodness of the Kombucha may be healing whatever that was that was causing so much pain.

While I was waiting outside, on the sidewalk of the Inspection center, I just happened to grab hold of a metal post with my left hand, and noticed that I had very like pain; some discomfort, but nothing like even yesterday. Yay!

I am keeping tabs on what is happening to it, and will keep you folks apprised, rest assured. However, in doing so, you need to stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones, alright? Perfect.