Day 357

This afternoon, eight small Sansevierias were delivered; I am so excited. I have been wanting these for years, and now, we have them. Both of the two other bedrooms have a “chemical” smell from whatever Martín coated the wood that he used.

Here are the newest plant addition; my favorites, anyway.

There are four more just like these, though, these are the best four. My favorites.

Of all of the plants we have purchased that are hard working, the Sansevierias are one of the hardest workers of all. They filter the air of Formaldehyde, Xylene, Benzene, and Trichloroethylene. Am just wondering who really wants to breath those things in the first place? As an added bonus, they give off oxygen at night, replacing the toxins with fresher air.

Normally, I would open the windows to the bedrooms, fully, but that lets in so much black dust it is hard to keep up keeping it vacuumed, and dusted. And, you know how much I hate dusting!

As of this post, I have placed one small plant in each of the two unused bedrooms, and will put two in our bedroom. We gave one to Jesús and Liz, for their living space, and one will go to Enrique, for his apartment. That leaves two; one for each bathroom, I think. They should survive in the darkness without any trouble. Time will tell.

Until that time comes, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.