Day 356

I started my day doing pest extermination. Here!!! Where there are no pests. Or, so I thought.

First, there was this tiny, little, green, inch worm on the underside of one of the sage leaves, having eaten it, almost, completely. It met with an untimely, but, immediate “pool” date. None to soon, I can say!

This is a case of Where’s Waldo; Waldo is the green inchworm.

Then, there was this! Powdery mildew; all over the sage leaves.

It was not there yesterday; fortunately, it has not touched any of the other plants. I decided, immediately upon seeing it, that if I have to remove all of the sage, I will.

Until such time, however, I have found a DIY solution that will, hopefully, rid the sage of the mildew. It is made by simply using one teaspoon of baking soda, a few drops of Dawn dish soap, in a quart of water, and is to be sprayed on the affected plant.

I will also try not to overwater the plants, as I have a habit of doing. I have made out a “watering schedule” but have failed to even look at it, as I am sure all of the plants are in need of watering; daily.

Tomorrow, the rest of the plants should be arriving; eight small Sansevierias. I am waiting, quite impatiently. They are a type of plant that many people have in their homes; just not ours.

Well, that is not entirely true; we have that very large one in the corner of the living room, which is, probably, several years old. I mean the cute, smaller ones; ones that sit on the bedside table, or on the chest of drawers, or on the shelf, in ones office.

Until they arrive, please, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.