Day 354

I want to show you the recipe for the Crema de Chile Poblano soup. Again, if you make it, let me know what you think of it. I did not use the potato, and probably will not in the future as it will decrease the spiciness of the soup.

This is what the chiles will look like after you remove the burned outer skin.
This is what the chiles look like after the seeds, and veins have been removed.
And, finally, my pile of discards, from two of the four chiles.

It is easiest to remove, and discard, the burned skin with a paper towel, using a wiping motion, as if you were wiping off dust, or dirt, from the outside of the chile. Do not rinse the chiles under tap water; it removes quite a lot of the flavor of the chiles.

The “stems” of cilantro really means stalks, with the leaves. And, here, we have to disinfect all produce before using it; if one cannot drink the water because of the bacteria in it, one needs to disinfect anything that one expects to eat, having been rinsed in said yucky water.

Trust me when I tell you this. You may remember, that, last year, I made a guacamole, using cilantro, that I had forgotten to disinfect. I was bedridden, with diarrhea, for almost a week! Never again.

All of that said, the soup was delicious; the cake definitely needs work; but, the kombucha is just right.

As I continue to work on the cake, and begin making other desserts, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.