Day 353

Here is something new, for me, anyway. I baked a cake. (Knew you were coming.)

A Mandarin Orange cake with an orange glaze.

This is a Mandarin Orange cake, and is relatively easy to make. It requires that you have the ability to whip egg whites, though it does not say for how long, fold the other ingredients into the egg whites, and then bake all of the above in a springform pan, but it does not say how big the pan should be. Annoying, those “little” things.

Another thing I made for the first time, and that was Crema de Chile Poblano soup. Oh, my goodness, was it ever delicious. We are fortunate to eat this, every once in awhile, when we go to Toks, and it happens to be the soup of the day. It is my favorite soup of theirs because it is so smooth, and creamy, with just the right amount of heat from the poblano chiles. So,

I found a couple of different recipes on line, and decided to take what sounded good from each of them, and ended up with a bowl of soup I think many of you would enjoy.

It does not look like much but packs a punch of flavor, with surprisingly little heat. You can always decrease the heat, which is really quite mild, by adding a bit more milk, and, decreasing the water by the same amount. I will post the recipe, with some “working” photos in an upcoming post, because it is taking forever to upload the photos, at the moment.

I hope you will try it, and let me know what you think. But, while I am waiting to hear from you, and, for things to upload, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.