Day 349

I was just chuckling to myself. Why?

I am watching a crime series, on Amazon Prime, called Bordertown, which takes place in Finland, and is subtitled. I enjoy subtitles, and use them for English speakers as well, as it is sometimes difficult to understand different dialects.

However, when one is listening to something in a completely different language, one actually needs to read the subtitles to understand the conversation.

I find myself so relaxed by different languages, Finnish especially, that I start taking my eyes away from my computer, and doing other things. Then I find myself having to go back over the past several minutes, while I was “gone”, paying more attention to the subs. Duh!

For some, unknown, reason, I simply cannot stop doing it. Then, when I realize, again, that I was absent, I chuckle, regroup, and rewatch.

Hah. The other day, I bought five pounds of black dirt, and ten pounds of a mixture suitable for cacti, and succulents. All in anticipation of the arrival of a slew of new plants.

I do have a brand new, living room wide plant box that needs attention. Right? So, I am going to give it lots of attention over the next couple of weeks. Should keep me off of the streets.

Until they all get here, and get settled, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.