Day 348

Today is kimchi day. Finally. And, I cannot begin to tell you how good it tastes, just with the combination of ingredients!

We started out cutting up the cabbage more than we had originally, the carrots too. Then, we watched the video, twice, and jumped in with all four feet. (Ivan’s and mine 😉

We began by making the rice paste, which is simply one half cup of water, and one heaping tablespoon of rice flour. Combine those, off heat, until all of the flour is incorporated. Then, over medium heat, stir until thickened, just about five minutes. In the last minute, add one tablespoon of sugar, and remove from heat to cool.

Here comes the fun part. We mixed together half of a small onion, grated, five cloves of garlic, peeled, and pressed, one inch of fresh ginger, grated, three tablespoons of fish sauce, one half cup of gochugaru, Korean chili pepper flakes, and the rice paste we made earlier.

Wearing a pair of disposable gloves, I mixed the above with the cabbage, et. al., and put it in a bean pot we have had since forever. It will sit on the shelf, fermenting, for two to three days, or until we feel it has the correct amount of zing. Then, into the fridge it all goes.

Caution: an old lady let loose in the kitchen. Someone should be notified immediately.
The infamous bean pot. Just have to put the lid on it and wait.

As I said, in two, or three, days, this kimchi should be ready for the fridge. Then, whenever we have piece of sourdough bread, with anything, and everything on it, we can have a side of kimchi for extra flavor. We cannot wait. Well, he has to wait until his mouth heals. I will have to let him know how it tastes.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: you might consider buying a copy of your favorite books, and movies, while they are still available. It appears the latest news is that many of them will be discontinued because they are racist. Gone with the Wind; Dr. Seuss; several movies as well. Think of Fahrenheit 451.