Day 345

Happy St. Patricks Day, everyone. Irish, or not.

Today, right this minute, anyway, and, the hundreds of minutes that went before this one, has been one super duper day.

It feels like Spring; I guess, because it is Spring. The temperature is seventy five, outside, and, I am guessing, around seventy inside. The air smells clean, and fresh. The sun is shining, and I just fit into a Mexican blouse that I bought three years ago.

It has been hanging in my closet since moving here, and that is where I expected it to be until mid summer. How fun is that?

Last week, (I forgot this), I took apart our Shark Duo Clean vacuum cleaner, and cleaned it completely. There are certain filters one is supposed to clean on a regular basis, well, everyone except me, I guess. You may recall, in a prior post, that I actually read the top of the vacuum cleaner, which said exactly that; clean filters every six months. Duh!

So, now I have, and will, do that, regardless. But, the other day, I took apart the vacuum head, (where you see the orange and black roller brush), and, cleaned it, so it looks like new. Then, I removed the battery from the hand held portion, (the whole thing comes apart), and washed that like no one’s business. When I put it all back together the next day, it looked like I had just bought it, (if you did not look too closely).

This is the Shark Duo Clean, however, mine is red. I got is three years ago as a special “deal” on QVC. Santa was good to me that year. Everywhere you can see a large area of grey is where one section disconnects from the other. Plus, it was the only one with lights, so I can vacuum in low light, or no light. Yay.

Another follow up; here is what the second loaf of sourdough looks like, and then I am moving on. You can see more open holes in this crumb, which, I think will multiply, and become larger, if I do not add a different, stronger type of flour, such as Spelt, Einkorn, or Whole wheat.

Half of this loaf is going to la Dentista tomorrow, and the other half to her assistant. I have learned that one does not need to offer an entire loaf to someone, leaving ones own home without. Actually, even a quarter loaf is acceptable. Yay.

Ivan and I are going to start emptying more totes, rearranging them so that stuff we do not need now, or in the foreseeable future, will go up to the rooftop storage unit. Sounds like a fun day, for sure.

I am not going to comment, much, on the news about what is happening to the US since President Biden was elected. I think, if you watch any decent news shows, you will be saddened. We are so glad we have moved. It is too hard to believe the things we read, and see, in the news channels we watch. Be careful, everyone.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.