Day 343

I DID IT. Well, I did a couple of things, actually.

I managed to make a beautiful loaf of sourdough bread, that actually has a decent “ear”. The ear is the flap you can see in the above photo. I will be working towards a larger ear with all successive loaves.

The crust is not burnt, it is carmelized. Crunchy.

Also, I will be changing the contents of each loaf. The next loaf will be five hundred grams of all purpose flour, with one hundred grams of freshly ground Einkorn berries. I cannot wait to see how it turns out.

We are on our way to un mercado, called La Ciudadela. I am looking for blouses in the Mexican style, and some small terra cotta dishes, for salt, and salsas. If we should happen upon other things we did not know we needed, even better. I will post anything we end up buying, if they are worth posting.

We ended up buying three blouses, and two shifts, all of which, with one exception, I will need to work towards fitting into.

I told Iván, today, again, that when I lose a certain amount of weight, which will not be divulged here, I am cutting my hair short again. I want to see if it will get a little bit thicker if I am not pulling it all out with my comb.

We are in traffic four lanes across, bumper to bumper. So, until we can make our way to the market, and back, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.