Day 341

They have arrived; the guys; with some of the things we need for this, phase two, of the remodeling. I am doing my best to stay out of their way, and not “help”. It is very difficult, I must admit.

Before they got here, however, I noticed, in the kitchen, the grossly greasy, and dusty, exhaust hood. Not to mention the front of the fridge. I could not let them in here with that disgustingness. (Yes. I noticed it every time I went into the kitchen, but chose, successfully, to ignore it).

I started to clean it with vinegar and water to no avail.
Look at what a citrus cleaner will do for cleaning grease!!!

The front of the fridge is aluminum, as best I can tell, as magnets do not work on it. The ability to actually get it clean has eluded me for a whole year. Fingerprints, Kombucha spray, you name it. Nothing would get it clean, and shining. Now look. Like brand new.

This morning, I tried, of all things, the citrus spray that I normally use to get the stains out of our clothes. Would you believe it? Worked like a charm.

This is made with citrus juices, and is available on Amazon.
One last photo of the cabinet they built for the bathroom. All of those things in the cabinet have been on the counter of the sink for a year.

At the moment, the guys are putting up the shelves in the living room. When they are finished, I will take more photos.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.