Day 340

Well, folks. We have been without electricity for over an hour now, and the whole condo is silent. There is the occasional sound, from downstairs, in the garages, somewhere. Eerie, I am telling you. It is as if everyone is still sleeping, while it is just after noon.

I do have to tell you, though, I went to check the fermenting vegetables this morning. When I opened the jar with the yellow, and, green bell peppers, the whole top of the liquid starting spewing these tiny effervescent bubbles, by the thousands. It was very impressive, and satisfying, to say the least. A few hours later, when I showed Ivan, they were still bubbling, profusely. Amazing, is all I can say.

The power returned for about two minutes, then went off again, for another forty five minutes, or so. Now, we are all good.

The little white “tails” are the seeds sprouting a stem.

Here is a photo of the Einkorn berries having sprouted. Now, they are in the Smart Oven, dehydrating, getting ready to be hand milled into flour.

Einkorn is a difficult grain to bake with as it has a different type of gluten structure; one that does not allow for much rise, or spring, in a bread loaf. It is that fact, the difference in gluten structure, that allows most people, though, not those with Celiac disease, to eat it without gastrointestinal distress.

Now that the Einkorn is sprouted, it changes the grains’ ability to be digested more easily, and has gone from a complex sugar, (carbohydrate), to a more simple sugar, again, easier to digest. Lovely, do you think?

Anyway, now that it is being dehydrated, it will be shelf stable in this form for quite a long time to come. Yay!

The dehydrated Einkorn berries in a cotton sack for storing. Here, there are no mice to get into the sack and eat all of the berries.
Here, you an still see some of the white “tails”, that are all dried up now.

On to making bread, but only with one to two hundred grams mixed with four hundred grams of all purpose, or bread flours. I will let you know, in words, and photos, how things progress.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: the bird song today is absolutely fabulous. It is so completely different from the birds in the Midwest. Both are beautiful in their own ways. As I mentioned, they are just different. Both make my heart lighter, and bring a smile to my face.