Day 338

Winter is definitely over .

Today, which is actually, the fifth of March, it is eighty two degrees here, and getting hotter. The high today is supposed to be eighty four, in another hour. Yikes. I am melting.

Before we left home today, I had the opportunity to make another batch of kombucha, with fresh pineapple, ginger, and turmeric.

These should have lots of carbonation, as well as flavor. Much more so than the previous batch with the canned pineapple that is. Yuck.

I almost forgot to show you that I was able to switch from plastic to stainless steel spigots on our kombucha containers. Big deal, you say? Not so, I say. The plastic flip top spigot was really unwieldy, when it came to filling the smaller, sixteen ounce bottles for the second fermentation. I almost needed three hands to fill them.

Not anymore. The SS spigots turn at ninety degrees, so I do not have to hold the spigot open anymore. It may not seem like much to you, but, to me, it frees up my left hand, in case I need it to do something else; like, make the next bottle ready to be filled. It will speed up the process quite a bit.

Changing the subject, slightly, when we got home, I was able to finish my first “real” loaf of “artisanal” sourdough bread. The first of many, I am sure.

The results. Not bad for my first attempt at razor designs.

The above loaf of bread is not a lovely looking “crumb”, as the inside is called, but, it tastes really good. And, all made by hand. I suspect each loaf will get better, or, at the least, be another learning experience. If we cannot eat them, they will become bread crumbs, or, croutons, or, some such thing. None will go to waste.

This morning, I toasted a slice, buttered it with half of an avocado, added salsa, kosher salt, and, alfalfa sprouts. Absolutely delicious. I am already wondering what I will put on it for lunch, or dinner. Hmmm.

Not much else to tell you about today except that I also made home brewed Flor de Jamaica, or, Hibiscus flower, drink. It is not as sweet as the powdered mix we buy, called Zuko, which uses natural fruit. And, it has an almost grassy note to it, that will take a little getting used to, I fear.

While we are drinking our latest brew, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.