Day 336

As unproductive as the last several weeks have been, today, I believe I made up for them.

Up at eight thirty. Check. Apple cider vinegar with honey drank. Check. Vitamins, and, meds. taken. Check. On to the kitchen it is then.

The sourdough bread I want to make today is a simple loaf, from a loaf pan; nothing artisanal yet. That will come in time. Not quite enough confidence yet. This recipe calls for four hundred sixty four grams of fed starter, so that is how I started today. I fed the started two hundred fifty grams, each, of flour, and water, then watched it rise throughout the day. (Always better to have a little too much than not enough).

Since nine o’clock, when that was all taken care of, I got in my “groove”, as it were, and, peeled, cored, and sliced eight Granny Smith apples, for the much anticipated/dreaded Apple Squares. I absolutely despise the dough recipe. It just does not make enough dough, as far as I am concerned. It never has. Grrrrh.

Peeled apples, with sugar and cinnamon, the jar of rising sourdough starter, to the right of the red handled spatula, and my breakfast taco of eggs and chorizo.

When I finished rolling out the above dough, put it in the pan, (which is too large), I filled it with the sugared and cinnamoned apples, and topped those with butter, and, the other half of rolled out dough. I put it in the oven, and started on the bread.

The starter had risen beautifully, so I proceeded to combine the starter with the rest of the ingredients, and then on to kneading it for twenty minutes. Did I mention it needed to be kneaded for twenty minutes? I was going to use the Kitchen Aid, but it was all of ten feet away, in the pantry, under the new little table. As I did not want to lose my momentum, onto the lightly floured counter it came, to be loved for twenty minutes. (Could you hear the whine?)

Only half way through the twenty minutes. Yikes.

The dough came together quite nicely. After the twenty minutes, it was very soft, and smooth. I put it in a marked, plastic, two quart container to let rise for one hour. (The marked container makes it easier to see when it has doubled in height).

The marked container is on the cutting board. The Apple Squares, though not very pretty, should taste pretty good. I hope.

Ivan, and I, invited Enrique for dinner, so, instead of the hamburger patties, that I would have made for just Ivan, and me, I made that into a meatloaf instead. I have some dehydrated Idahoan potatoes, and fresh asparagus. That is what we will have for dinner. Along with a slice of freshly made sourdough bread. And, Apple Squares for dessert.

Homemade powdered sugar. Just blitz white sugar in a mill, and you have powdered sugar. I used it for the icing on the AS.

Cannot wait to get into a couple of loaves of artisanal sourdough bread, because “the guys” are coming in a couple of days, to continue with the remodel. I would like to be able to give them each a loaf to take home.

While I build up my courage, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.