Day 335

We bought some new plants the other day, for our condo. The poinsettia’s we bought in December both have white powdery mildew, for some reason, so they are going to the garbage.

We bought two different colors of primrose, one of my favorite indoor flowers, (they were five dollars each), and, one of the first of many bromeliads. The one in the third photo is called a Neoregelia Carolinae. This is what they all look like.

The pink primrose.
The purple primrose.
The bromeliad called a Neoregelia Carolinae, from the top.
From the side.

Our next acquisition will be very small cacti, and, tiny succulents of varying sizes, shapes and colors. I want to put them all around the condo. Hopefully, this weekend, we will have shelves in the living room, and, possibly, the new hutch. Who knows? We are happy for the surprise.

These are some of the succulents we will be looking for, alongside some tiny cacti species.

Now is the time to start bringing color into our living areas. We have been too long with the beautiful white all around us. It has always been our intention to have pops of color accenting our white background. Little by little, that is happening.

While we wait, patiently, to see what of the remodeling comes next, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.