Day 332

Over the past weekend, Ivan, and “the guys”, Enrique and Jesús, went to the Carnitas shop, again, and bought a ton of carnitas, which were promptly distributed amongst the throng. Philanthropy, if it can be called that, especially during a pandemic, is essential.

They bought buche, (stomach lining), maciza, (the loin), cuerito, (skin, but not fried into chicharrón). They got blue corn tortillas, which were beautifully warm, and fresh; red, and green salsas, chopped onions, chopped cilantro/parsley mix, (yuck), and a liter of Coca Cola.

The maciza is on the left, the cuerito is next, and, the most pale of the meats, while above that is the buche. The limes are on top of the blue corn tortillas, with the onions, and salsas to the left of the limes.

It is such a pleasant surprise to eat carnitas. And, who does not like pig? I think I would eat pork more often than beef, any day of the week. And do.

Not much more to report today, so I will end with my mantra. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.