Day 327

We went to the dentist, again, this past week. I had a cracked molar that broke off the last time we were in Los Altos

It was around the holidays, if you will recall. While out on Jesús’s father’s property, he roasted some fava beans on the fire, and gave us each one. It was not something I knew anything about, so, when I tried to chew it, without, first, breaking off the shell, it broke my tooth. I did not realize it until the next morning when the broken piece came out while I was eating breakfast, however.

Anyway, la dentista removed the rest of the tooth, made me a temporary crown, which she will exchange for the permanent crown when it is made. So nice not to have that hole in my tooth. I really do not like holes in my teeth.

We are on our way to Costco, and Soriana again today, to finish up buying what we need. Here is what we bought yesterday.

Before we went to store, the fridge was almost empty. Now, we have no room for anything else, until we start dividing this up with our family, and friends.

Below is a photo of the lettuce we bought, see photo number two above. It is organic, with the roots wound up around the base of the lettuce head.

I put cling film around this plastic bowl, cut three squares in the top, unwound the roots, and put them in the water. (I circled one of the larger openings on the left, there are two, the second across from this one, and the smaller one at the bottom, in the next photo).

The finished product. The third, smaller square, is to add water as needed. I cannot wait to see if I can sustain them.

Putting clean water in the bowl.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.