Day 326

Yay! We are actually outside the condo. The sun is shining; the temperature is a moderate sixty two degrees, and we are loving life.

And on our way to the grocery store. Our list of produce is over half of the list. We are out of everything perishable. Not to worry; we are going to the bank to get some money and will be that much closer to rectifying this situation.

I was so excited this morning- we got up at seven twenty, showered, had coffee, I fed the sourdough, watered the plants, and put on some makeup. I cannot remember the last time I wore makeup. My face was always so puffy and bloated from drinking. Now that we have stopped that, my face is getting better. I am still overweight, but, hopefully, not for much longer.

Today I am restarting my exercise routine with a few HIIT minutes of what is called tabata. It is only a few minutes, once, or twice, daily, and is a bit intense.

While I wait, patiently, for results, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.