Day 325

I got around to making a new batch of kombucha the other day. Only had canned pineapple, and not much of that even. We shall see how it goes.

I did remember to leave the portable heater in there so the fermentables are all going along swimmingly. I am going to try to stagger my kombucha batches, maybe two weeks apart. We shall see on that front as well.

The starter that I fed twice yesterday, and now, twice again today, raised to its full rise, and held there for six hours. What a win. Tomorrow’s rise should be at least that good, maybe better. Time will tell.

Tomorrow I am going to try my hand at fermenting some cabbage and carrots, to make a sauerkraut. That should be ready to eat with a couple of weeks. Cannot wait to see how it turns out.

While we wait on sourdoughs rising, and kombucha fermenting, stay happy, stay healthy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.