Day 324

This batch of sourdough has got to be the strongest yet. It is not ready to bake bread yet, but it is getting there; quickly.

I will post a series of photos, taken throughout today, and show you what I mean. It will show you the starting point, at one o’clock pm, the rise, until three thirty pm, when I removed the lid to see the top of the starter, but when I set it back down on the counter, it completely collapsed. I stirred it with a SS chop stick, and set it back on the counter. The rest of the photos show its progression back to the height of being double in volume; from three thirty, until just now, at six pm. Cannot wait to see how strong it will be by the end of the week. Here are the photos.

This is how far it had risen in two hours.
Opened the lid to look at the top.
Set it back down, and a few minutes later, I had this. Oops. Will not do that again.
Stirred it with the chopstick and two and a half hours later, voila.
It has helped immensely to have put a small room warmer in the kitchen!

I will continue to feed the starter twice a day for the next few days, and go from there. Until then, you already know what to do. Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.