Day 323

I have told you, in previous posts, about the sausages we get, from Simply Sausages ™️. It is the only decent sausage in town.

In an attempt to unburden our freezer of its glut, I have been pulling out the sausages we purchased last year, and cooking them. Let me tell you about the flavors.

The other day, I made a sausage called Chistorra, a type of breakfast sausage, I think. It was good, different than a chorizo sausage, less spicy.

Then I made a different sausage called Bierwurst; again, very tasty. Yesterday I made the best sausage yet; a Classic Bratwurst. I have made two sandwiches of this, combined with pickled purple onions, and spicy whole grain mustard. Oh, my gosh. The combination was incredible.

I keep trying to find interesting combinations to include the pickled onions, because I made them several months ago, from one large onion, thinking YKW would eat them too. Alas, he does not care for them at present. They are pickled, so they should be good for awhile. They taste great.

Never have I had such an incredible flavor combination. I wanted to eat more of them. I have no more to make. Alas, I will need to purchase more, I suppose.

Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: happy twentieth birthday to our first grandchild- Isaac. Forever in our hearts.