Day 318

Ok. I confess. I have done absolutely nothing on my to do list. But I did do this.

I cleaned the stovetop. I know, it seems trivial, but trivial is all we have these days.

Hopefully, you remember that I bought covers for the stovetop several months ago. (Actually, I bought two more eight packs, because, you can never have enough of a good thing).

In the photo above, the covers are on the second side. I have already used the first sides, and have turned them over. I was going to use new ones, these were so dirty, and full of grease splatter, but I decided to soak them in boiling water, from the electric water kettle. I used a couple of drops of Dawn, (that we had delivered for one leg, and one arm), and soaked them for about ten minutes. I, then, scrubbed them, rinsed and dried them, then, put them back on the stove.

After that, however, I fed my lovely sourdough batches, and remembered that I need to feed them for at least three or four days, so they are strong enough to double their volume in two hours, before using them to make bread. Well, here is what I have tonight. Mind you, the other photo, the other day, was lovely, but the batches are not strong enough to raise dough as well as I need. Take a look.

Both of these quart jars show you a three hour rise. I am getting the rise I need, just not quite fast enough. It will take another few days of feeding, and that is fine with me. The healthier the sourdough is, the better the bread will be. It smells heavenly.

I do think, however, that some of the lack of a speedy rise is because of the temperature in the condo. It is about sixty to sixty seven degrees Fahrenheit on any day. Right now it is ten o’clock pm., and the temperature, in the condo, it sixty seven degrees. That is why I have the jars covered with a dish towel.

Yes. We have a laser temperature probe. Get one. It is amazing. Point, and shoot. Get a digital readout of anything within a few feet distance. I can check the temperature of the kombucha, the sourdough, a steak on the stovetop grill. I can check the temperature of fish cooking in a pan. They are not expensive, but save you overcooking a luscious piece of fish, steak, chicken; you name it. Here, during the time of quarantine, no one can afford to over cook, or under cook, anything they are making for their loved ones.

Well, we are going to try to get out tomorrow, to the store, to restock our perishables. Who knows, though. All we can do is try. Until then, mis amores, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.