Day 317

You would think that by now I would have made some progress in my “to do” list. Alas, I have not.

Tomorrow, however, may prove more fruitful. Not sure. One can only hope. Soon, however, I will need to trim my fingernails, because I keep making stupid mistakes when my nails touch keys on the computer that I did not want them to touch.

I am, actually, waiting for the starter(s) to ripen so I can make some more bread this week. It has been months since I made bread, even longer for the sourdough.

I am not sure, really, how well the population here, appreciates sourdough; the dark, hard crust, the large bubbles in the middle, the smell.

I enjoy it because it is what I am used to. Here, however, the bread is usually soft, blonde, without much scent, other than yeast. What I propose is a dark, hard, crispy crust, almost burnt looking. It will have very little of the starter smell; actually, it will smell almost burnt, not yeasty.

It will have large holes in the middle, be able to be cut into lovely slices, for sandwiches, or, for dipping in olive oil, and spices; to be enjoyed by those that appreciate crusty bread.

The bread I made, before moving here, was delicious. It was not appreciated by everyone that ate it however. That is okay with me. Not everything I do is appreciated by everyone- not even YKW. He tries to eat the bread I make, but, really, he smells it, and says how good, or bad, it smells. Thankfully, it usually smells good, even excellent. That works for me.

When we get out of bed tomorrow, I will attempt a couple of loaves of bread, and, maybe, apple squares. Who knows. Until then, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.