Day 316

We have seen, on the internet, that many states have been having another record breaking amounts of snowfall, and bad weather, in general. We hope this finds all of you well, and in good health, and happiness.

This is a follow up of sorts, to keep you in our loop, so to speak. I have not done any of the things I thought I was going to do today, but, gosh, with my busy schedule, I will try to fit them in tomorrow, and/or the next day. Not sure if that will be possible with all of the many things we have planned. Not.

Our friend, and concierge, Jesús, went out today, and bought us thirty six eggs. Milk was delivered yesterday, late afternoon, and, bread delivered Saturday, so, for the moment, we are good. Well, almost.

What I really need is cottage cheese. Here, though, only a handful of stores sell, or even know what cottage cheese is. I think the stores that do sell it have a more expat American clientele than others.

What I did do, however, was make another batch of egg bites. For this batch, I defrosted some bierwurst sausages, from Simply Sausages™, removed the casings, cuz YKW cannot bite through them, and formed them into “burgers”. I grilled them on the stove, crumbled half of one into the blender, added about a cup of grated Gruyere cheese, (too much), four eggs, half an egg shell, twice, of milk, about a teaspoon of Italian seasonings, S&P, and gave it a whirl, on low, for about thirty seconds. Added that to the egg mold, covered it with the lid that came with it, and put it in the IP, (a cup of water on the bottom), on steam, for ten minutes. I let it cool down, naturally, for another ten minutes, then, released the pressure manually, took them out and let them cool, lid off, for another five minutes. After they cooled a bit, I flipped them out, onto a plate, as you see them. In less than thirty minutes you can have fourteen of these cooked, and ready to eat. (You stack two of the egg molds in a six quart IP.)

They were as hard as a very overcooked hard boiled egg.

So, as I said, I made another batch of egg bites; this time, without the cottage cheese. Take my word that you do not want to make them without cottage cheese. It adds such a light texture to the bite that is definitely lacking using only milk, cheese, and eggs. Will I eat them? Of course. For five dollars a pair, of course I will. Someone has to.

We are hoping to get to the store tomorrow, to stock up on supplies, our staples, (cottage cheese) but who knows. Until we get there, and back, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.