Day 310

Before I start my ramblings, I want to express our condolences to our best friend, Enrique, who has lost another brother. His brother, Armando, died recently of the CoVid 19 virus, and was only seventy years old.

I, one the other hand, it may interest you to know, am slowly getting a bit of my spark back.

Recently, I was pleasantly surprised to know that the sourdough starter I worked so hard to get healthy, is still alive, and producing bubbles like crazy. I mention this only because, in the last few weeks, while I was in my funk, I left it in the fridge, for three months, unfed, and, uncared for. I feared I would be unable to fix it, revive it.

I took the jar out of the fridge, mixed in the two centimeters of grey liquid floating on top of the starter, took out one hundred grams, put that in a new, clean jar, and fed it the same weight of water and flour. After a few hours, I put it back in the fridge.

This morning, the starter is happily forming bubbles, smells very happy, and will become a loaf, or two, of bread this weekend.

Similarly, we have two containers of kombucha brewing on the counter; both are happy and healthy. Five gallons of fermented probiotics, a drink that tastes differently with each batch.

The towels are to keep out the tiny little fruit flies.

The first nine bottles of this last batch, all of them, were flat, no carbonation whatsoever! So, last night, I opened bottle number ten, about ten feet from my glass, and proceeded to spray my lovely kombucha all over the kitchen!

It was everywhere– on the counters, on the walls, on the stove, even on the open swinging door to the kitchen. It took about half an hour to find, and clean it all up. Plus, I only got to drink what was left; half a glass.

On the up side, I have just made the best batch of egg bites to date. I ate them, for the first time, when I was in New Orleans, attending a conference for Operating Room nurses. There were two bites per portion, and cost five dollars a pop. They are available at Starbucks to this day.

As I am not interested in finding a Starbucks here, nor do I want to spend five dollars for two bites, I searched the internet for a few recipes and tried them.

These are the silicone molds I use, though others have used four ounce Mason jars in a water bath, in the oven.

These are so soft, and smooth, and made with two different cheeses, plus cottage cheese; so, actually that makes three cheeses.

They are made in my favorite appliance, the Instant Pot, and take less than thirty minutes, start to finish. The recipe is called Best Damn Instant Pot Egg Bites by Recipe Teacher. It calls for gouda cheese and heavy cream, neither of which I have on hand, so I improvised. Try them. Amazing.

That is it for today. I will try to find little things to tell you here on in. While we wait for that, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.