Day 3

Every day, for the three of us, seems to bring a bit more

Everything, really. Juan has too much pain first thing in the morning to do much; but then again, so do I. However, I am not ninety three. But, then again, neither is he.

I say that because this afternoon, I asked him how old he thought he was; his first answer was fifty two. I chuckled, then told him that he was older than that; try again. Next, was sixty one. I told him I was sixty six, and he could not believe it. (Neither can I.) When I told him he was ninety three, he had such a surprised look on his face, I wish I could have taken a photo of it. When I told him it was 2021, he had the same expression. Priceless.

Back to day three. He, for most of the day, still has to lie on the bed, on his back. Today, we got the heating pad, so I put that on him, on the warm setting. Not helping tons at the moment, however. As I confessed to my S-I-L, this is going to take longer than I expected. We also say that we have much more time than money. Not much happening here.

He has gotten up a couple of times today, to walk across the hall; sometimes to try to use the bathroom, sometimes just to walk to the bathroom, then back. He walked the hallway with me, then back to bed, but it is a lot farther, and more often, than he has done for several days.

Slowly, we are getting a bit of movement returning to a very stiff back. Massage, heat, protein shakes, Ibuprofen; that is the routine for the next little while. Day by day; that is all we can do for now.

Stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe my friends. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.