Day 292


My husband trimmed my horribly nasty, full of split ends being pulled out of my head every time I combed it, my hair!!!!! He did a superior job of it too, I am happy to say. Unfortunately, I did not take a photo of the mess it was, however, it was at least two to three inches below my shoulders, and, it was a mess.

I lost an absurd amount of hair every time I brushed my hair, thinning my already too thin hair so, as I said to our cousin Marco last week, I look like a homeless woman, living on the streets.

I have not had my hair trimmed in close to a year now, with the current living situation as it is, high alert, salons closed. Well, I do not need one now, or for the foreseeable future. You decide.

That simple, loving gesture has made such an impact on my self esteem, I do not have the words to express it. Gracias, mi amor.

Anyone that really knows me, knows that I have struggled, all of my life actually, with low self worth. I will say that it has been my constant nemesis since I was in grade school. Were there, are there, times when that slips into the background of my thoughts? Absolutely. Thank you Lord.

With the quarantine, we have only gone to the store, delivered groceries where needed, and back to our luxury jail cells. Fortunately, we are free to move about the entire jail, and have privileges not known to many of the incarcerated; not those incarcerated down here, that is.

We have seen the US has a new President, President Joe Biden. This is not a political site, so I will not discuss my feelings on this platform. He is the new President of the United States, and that alone, demands our respect. Like him, or not, he is the leader of that free, and wonderful country.

All I am going to say on the subject is this- watch your civil liberties, people. Already, you have no freedom to express your political views on your SMS sites. Newsmen, real newsmen, are being cancelled, on the internet, because they have differing views about the things that are happening. Be prepared to have even more of your rights subjected to the ideas of his new government.

Let us put that on hold, while we wait to see what happens to your paychecks, those of you actually getting paychecks, in the next few months. While we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Most importantly, however, happy something birthday to my youngest sister, Nancy. I will forever think of her as my “little” sister, as long as I am able to remember her. We love you dearly.

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