Day 28

My first sourdough started did not continue to bubble after I fed it a third time with water that I had boiled. The first two feedings, (see prior post photo), was fed with the water that had been boiled, but left in the electric kettle for the three plus weeks were gone. It must have been full of the natural yeast in the air, which I must have killed by re-boiling the water after we got home.

Needless to say, I have started two more small batches, plus the kombucha is set, all covered up to stay warm.

Nothing much else to tell you. We are tired of not being able to do the things we normally do, as you are too, I would think.

We try to do a few things around the house here but are pretty dispirited at the moment.

The sun is shining, it is almost ninety degrees, and we do not have to go to work. It is an ok day.