Day 272

Another plus that has come with staying in the home of friends, most new, two- less new, is that one’s command of a different language increases exponentially.

When one is completely immersed in the experience, it becomes less scary and more loving. The family here, still in Los Altos, is multi generational, with Jesús’ parents being the patriarchal members.

Sr. Raymund y Sra. Maria

Unfortunately, this photo only shows about one third of the family members here for this celebration. I can, with some accuracy, pick out the siblings of Jesús, and, with marginally less accuracy, the spouses of the siblings. Their children, however, are completely undoable. (Not sure if that is a real word, but it is in this post).

Along with these sixty or seventy family members, comes the task of feeding and housing all of them. Here is a photo of the stacks of corn tortillas Maria, mother of Jesús, has bought twice already, in three days.

Each of the two bags on the left, were the same size as the one in the middle this morning.

All of these were made fresh today, and sold about one and one half blocks from the house. The cost for all three bags was about five dollars and forty cents, or twelve pesos per kilo.

I will try to write more often now that we into a new year. While we wait for that to actually happen, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.