Day 242

Published on the 26th of December, 2020. Yes, they are out of order; continue.

Over the weekend of December fourth, we were in the car, on our way to Veracruz. By “we”, I mean Of course, not long after starting out, I was ready for a nap. Ugh.

When I was growing up, and our parents took all of us on a vacation, my younger sister, Nancy, and I, would fall asleep, within ten minutes of listening to the tar strips, on the pavement, through the floorboard of the car. (Nancy got one side, and, I got the other. Heaven. Truly).

The roads were considered highways by nineteen sixties standards; I can, however, safely say they were just paved roads.

The highway was a toll road so it was in better shape than the public highway. And the scenery was beautiful. So much of it resembled the states up North. One of the areas we passed through resembled Oklahoma, going through the foothills.

Later, we had traveled about an hour and a half, with dormant fields on either side of the road. The only thing growing, then, were scrub trees, cacti, and agave.

We left the four lane highway about thirty minutes later, winding our way through small town after small town, on two lanes.

Then, there was construction. The pavement was gone, completely; the road was rough, and it was exactly what I was hoping not to see.

We were back on paved two lane, a few kilometers farther, and there were plowed fields, growing cauliflower and broccoli.

NOW, we can see clouds coming over the tops of the mountains, in the distance. Gorgeous.

When we get back to town, and have internet, I will download some photos. It could not be more majestic, in this little village.

Until I can upload photos, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

Post script: I wrote this post on our way, to and from, the very small city of Los Altos, in the state of Veracruz, Mexico, three and a half weeks ago. The posts that will follow, are the things, good AND bad, that have transpired in the several weeks hence. Thank you for your patience. The photos are some incredible views of another part of this beautiful country. Please come back.

2 thoughts on “Day 242”

  1. Funny you Posted this today…. I just finished driving 20 hours … to Florida… 10 hours / 2 days … lot more stressful than when we were younger 🤪

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