Day 25

Well, we made it. We are home again, just this afternoon. We have been unable to sleep at the other house, for a variety of reasons.

The other night, I got up at four thirty, to get some Ibuprofen for my very painful back, and noticed there was light coming in under the door. When I opened it, there was my father in law, sitting on the side of his bed, going through the bedside table- obviously looking for something.

I woke Ivan, and had him go put his dad back to bed, but then neither of us could go back to sleep. That, and the mattress, which is not our twelve inch multilayered foam mattress, that we have only slept on for a few weeks, (seems like only twice). So, to be out of our element, so to speak, and now, to return to our element, is nothing short of a miracle.

PLUS- my favorite sister in law has accepted doing us a favor, and is going to Walmart this weekend to buy all of the supplies we need to make our laundry soap. I cannot wait!! I use the Duggar’s liquid soap recipe, and have for years. I absolutely love it. Anyway, Mayra, my sweet, you are the best of the best. I publicly thank you from the bottom of my heart. So will our new washing machine.