Day 237

Oh, my gosh! We are going “on a vacation” soon.

Actually, we are going with our concierge, Jesús, and his family to Veracruz, which is about four hours to our south and east. We will be staying with his multigenerational family, in their home, for about three days and two nights.

This city, in Veracruz, is up in the mountains, with a view that is going to be spectacular! El pardre, the father of our friend, is going to show us how to cook chickens, wrapped in the leaves of the maguey trees, cooked in the ground, like a certain type of beef, called barbacoa.

It will be rustic, it will be amazing, it will be everything I have hoped for in all of our time here. To come home to leisure, that is great. To live like so many others, for awhile, is the ultimate experience of a lifetime. As I have never really had the opportunity to live “basic”, well, not counting every summer camp in which I ever stayed, this is going to change my life, I believe.

I will have photos, demaciados, (more than enough). I will have commentaries. I will, probably, have a new regard for the human spirit. Come back here to learn what we discover.

Until we go, and return, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.

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