Day 235

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you that are able to celebrate with family this year. We will give thanks that no one else in the family has contracted the virus this week, and, that only one family member has died of the virus. That is quite a lot for which to be thankful. There is no celebration here, as it is a holiday for the United States alone, but we will have a turkey, just the same. (I want the carcass for bone broth, and the meat for tortas, enchiladas, and tacos).

We put our new Christmas tree up the other day. Bought it at Costco a few weeks ago, and it has been sitting in the box ever since.

Our first Christmas tree here in México.
One of the new bikes; our first early Christmas present. It all folds up to just a bit bigger than the size of the back wheel. The other one should be here soon.

We have about two dozen tin, Mexican ornaments to put on the tree, but we have no ornament hangers. It seems that there is always something that prevents us from finishing a simple project, like hanging ornaments.

The ornaments are in a pile, in front of our lovely two dollar poinsettias. Here, the poinsettias are called Noche Buena, the good night.

As soon as we are able to get to the Mercados, which I have been told will not be much longer, we are going to see if anyone is still selling ornaments; which is a problem, now, with the quarantine. So many vendors have left the city, looking for other places to sell their merchandise. We are not sure what will still be available to find any once we get to the markets. Fingers crossed.

That is one of the really sad things about this virus; the closing of small mom and pop shops. It is happening all over the world, from what we see on the news. But as we are here, it is more profound, being right in front of our eyes. What this city used to be is a depressingly different to the city now. So much has changed, and in just one year!

Hopefully, if we wait patiently enough, the world will return to some sort of “new normal”; whatever that becomes, we will have to see. While we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.