Day 23

I have something to confess- I find that TV series that are about ten years old are amazing. I have recently gotten hooked on “House”, which started in 2004, I believe. I tried watching it several times in the past, but House’s demeanor put me off. Now that I have gotten the “Good Doctor” bug, watching House is a piece of cake.

I enjoy watching the thought process, especially when it comes to medicine. In season one, episode four titles “Maternity”, in the House series, it shows an epidemic taking place in that hospitals maternity ward, with six newborns becoming infected, all experiencing the same symptoms. House and his “crew” of interns spend countless hours trying to figure out the cause.

The hospital administrator comes along to help out with the swabbing of all of the different delivery rooms, the sinks, respirators, everything. One baby dies, they finally decide on the correct antibiotic treatment, the others live, but they do not find the “cause”. Not until the last two and a half minutes.

House is sitting in the lobby of the hospital, watching everyone walking around and through it. He hears someone with a hacking cough, and spots an elderly woman, a volunteer from the Gift Shop, wiping her nose, then touching the small stuffed teddy bears that will be given to the birthing mothers as a gift. It shows in animation, the bacteria that she wipes from her runny nose, how it is transferred to the teddy bears, and from the teddy bear, to the newborn. Amazing.

Last time for today- wash your hands. Wash the handle on the toilets, the door knobs, etc., that people touch, but frequently forget to clean.

Stay happy, and healthy.