Day 229

We have had a boring few days of it, these last few. No place to go, nothing to do except eat, and watch our computers for election results.

Then, I sat down, once again, to my computer, and, began watching Elementary, a Sherlock Holmes series on Prime Video. I have seen it, the entire series that is, at least twice, maybe three times. Always entertaining, for sure.

Today, however, I got a bit of a wild hair, and, ended up making a meatloaf, (in my large cast-iron skillet), mashed potatoes, and a batch of Kombucha. How enterprising of me.

Different subject inserted here. It still strikes me as amazing that we can drive down the street, and, at curbside, find someone selling fresh produce. We were out the other day, and Ivan bought me three fresh, very ripe pineapples so I could use them in the Kombucha that I made today. I will try to show you what I used.

Here is just a bit more of the freshness we have at our fingertips.

Tomatoes, garlic, onions, and limes. All fresh, all year long.

Soon, our new bikes will be here, and, we will be able to go out for a daily ride; at least one of us will, anyway. I am determined to drop as much weight as possible by Christmas. I think five, or so, kilos to start should be attainable. One has but to try.

While we wait, impatiently, for all of the above, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.