Day 228

I was thinking the other day, that, in four short months I will have been retired two years. I am thinking, right now, that that was the fastest two years I have lived through in recent memory.

Even though my memory is not what it used to be, the time has gone by very quickly.

The only unfortunate thing is that we have been in a pseudo quarantine for almost a year now. We do get out, at least weekly, but it is always a risk, if we do not pay attention to where we are, or, the people around us.

I try to explain to our family, and, friends here, that, when outside, you do not need to wear a mask, but, definitely, when in a room, or building, with others. Viruses are normally spread by droplets; they do not float around in the air. Another very important reason to wash your hands, with soap and water, at every opportunity.

We have been informed of another cousin that has fever, cough, and muscle aches. He tried to get tested Sunday and Monday, but the clinic’s are closed on Sundays, and it was a holiday, here, on Monday. Hopefully he has not infected anyone else at the house, and is feeling better.

While we wait to find out the results, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and protect your loved ones.