Day 22

Wow! We have had quite a time with my father in law for the past three days! He “misplaced”, (read hid), his wallet, again, and none of us could find it.

Mind you, when he is with just Ivan and me, we have much more control over where he puts things, because we help him. I put notes on his dresser, to place his glasses and his wallet here before going to bed, notes in the bathroom, to leave his razor, and toothbrush on the counter. I put notes all over, so he does not have to try to remember where that something is, or where it should go.

We put notes up in the kitchen, so, if by some chance, he is up before me, he can find the Splenda, the coffee mugs, and, the milk for his coffee. All of them are in Spanish, so he can read them more easily.

Yes, he is losing his short term memory, but that was to be expected. In two months, he will be ninety two years old, and still is up and running, so to speak. Well, that is not true. This coronavirus has really thrown all of our “schedules” into the dirt. We will have to all start over again. Oh well. New beginnings. He is still a fairly vibrant man. We enjoy having him with us.