Day 213

As I am typing this post, it is still election day. The weather is absolutely gorgeous, about fifty two degrees Fahrenheit, twelve degrees Celsius. The sky is overcast and we are on our way to have breakfast at Toks.

We had a bit of work done on the Mercedes, recently, and will take a taxi to pick it up, after breakfast, of course.

We have decided to keep it for another year or two, and, having come to that decision, must maintain it responsibly. The power steering needed to be drained, and refilled; the windshield washer reservoir needed fixing, as the fluid kept leaking; the oil needed to be changed to synthetic, and, there was a faulty part having something to do with the power steering as well. So, for about a half million dollars, we should, once again, have a smooth driving, smooth riding car. (Though, truth be told, we both enjoy the BMW so much more).

We have just ordered “tres café Americanos”, three American coffees, but, are still waiting to order breakfast. While we wait, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

Post script: the car drives, and rides, like we are floating on a cloud. Thank you, again, AutoFix.