Day 212

Today is the day folks, when the future of the United States is to be decided. Either the beginning of the end, with Biden, or, on to another prosperous future with President Trump. We have already voted. Have you?

Try to imagine, those of you that have not retired yet, Biden is going to stop Medicare, AND, your SS benefits, if elected. Do not know about you, but to have worked all of one’s life, hoping to retire with one’s SS benefits and Medicare, only to have them taken from one would be a disaster. Only you can be responsible for such a future.

Those of us that are already receiving our benefits will keep them. Those of you still working will have to continue to work in order to have anything whatsoever.

Until the votes are counted, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.

God bless the US.