Day 204

It is about nine twenty two; it is Sunday night, October twenty fifth, and I just realized, DLS time must have ended last night! Nobody told me!

When I went out to the kitchen just now, by golly, the stove said it was ten twenty three. Hmmm.

Each morning, my CPAP cleaning machine, the SoClean2, is scheduled to start up at eleven o’clock, and runoff ten minutes. Today, however, thinking back on it, it started at ten o’clock. Weird, I thought at the time.

Now, I realize, for some reason, we have already changed the clocks here. (All of our clocks, watches, phones, computers, etc., are automatically changed by computer). My calendar shows that this should not happen until next Sunday! What the heck?

Actually, somewhere in my feeble memory, I am thinking that the same thing happened last year. I am so confused.

Anyway, on another subject altogether, my bread is becoming increasingly easier to make with each loaf. While we wait for more bread, stay happy, stay healthy, stay safe. Wash your hands, cover your mouth, and, protect your loved ones.